Tag Archives: houses

www.casa.moodfactory.ro is online!

Lately we have been busy developing an affordable housing concept that would hopefully encourage those who would like to build a home do so, even during this financially unstable time. You can check out the “ideal home” project here. Tocmai am lansat o noua zona a site-ului nostru, casa.moodfactory.ro ! Este dedicata prezentarii unui nou concept […]

Santier_Locuinta Ciobanu

Some of the stages of the building site for Ciobanu House: Iata stadiile prin care am trecut: Share on Facebook


This was a challenging house project as the surface of the site was quite small for a two apartment building. We decided for a semi-detached house with a compact volume, which would be representative for the two young families who commissioned it. Acest proiect de locuinta a fost de la bun inceput plin de provocari, […]