Green Shed: Pandora Park Community Garden Design Competition

Posted by on April 27, 2010 at 12:26 pm.

Acesta a fost un concurs care in ciuda dimensiunilor mici ale spatiului de amenajat si ale constructiei propuse s-a dovedit o provocare extrem de interesanta si plina de satisfactii. Tema concursului era realizarea unui shed pentru unelte, care sa deserveasca o gradina comunitara dintr-un parc din Vancouver. Provocarea a fost aceea de a realiza o constructie functionala din materiale refolosibile si/sau ecologice, care sa poata fi realizata prin munca membrilor comunitatii (asadar sa nu puna probleme tehnologice deosebite) si care sa genereze un spatiu public de agregare a comunitatii.

Spuneam ca participarea la acest concurs a fost ocazie de satisfactie pentru ca proiectul nostru a fost unul din cele 12 finaliste (din 87 de proiecte venite din 20 de tari). Aici puteti afla mai multe detalii despre tema concursului, despre inimoasa comunitate care il va realiza si proiectele castigatoare (inclusiv despre al nostru :)). In continuare reproducem textul care insotea plansele.

Meeting place

The community garden is seen as a recreational place, a teaching tool (about healthy living and sustainability) and also as a community gathering catalytic agent. Being situated at the edge of the park and in close proximity to the housing area, we propose emphasizing the urban character of the space. The brick pavement, arranged in a central composition, suggests the congregational valence of the space, together with the seating placement. We have turned the usual relation between green space and alleys in a park to a more urban setting, yet keeping the proportion balanced.

Storage facility

We have opened the garden shed by transforming it into a wall which bears all the functionality. The shed becomes a space turned inside-out, easier to acces. The surface contains all the needed storage space and becomes a communication interface. When closed, the shutters protect the wall, but they are also transparent, preserving the open image of the shed.

Technologies and materials

The storage shed uses rammed earth and offcut dimensional lumber, with a roof made of reclaimed wood (of required length). The pavement is made of bricks and the seating benches are made of rammed earth and wood.

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